wake up at 5.00 am. shower or jam preparation 5:30 breakfast.at 6:00 leave the house on a motorbike.From the house to the parking area (post 1) we travel for 1 hour.07.00 arrive at the parking area, rest for 5 minutes.At 7:05 we start from the parking area towards the Kamangan River (post 2).
On the way we will pass a dry river and go up and down a small hill. then we arrive at post 2. and at post 2 we will rest for 10 minutes.At 7:20 we start walking towards post 3 (munte hut / spring).
From post 2 to post 3 we will travel approximately 2 hours 30 minutes.When we start walking from post 2 we will immediately climb a fairly high hill.After we pass the slope of the herd hill we will pass a flat road.We start to visit protected forests and pass through very old wood.When we start going down a slight descent we will arrive at post 3 (munte hut/spring).At post 3 we will take a break to eat a snack and get water to prepare for cooking for 20 minutes.At 9:20 Bintang Jalan Pos 4 (cottage to Raden) and we will travel approximately 2 hours 35 minutes.
On the way we will pass pandan trees.After we walk for 1 hour we will pass a bentaeng tree and usually in the bentaeng tree there are usually cigagok or orangutans.After 1 hour 20 minutes we pass the Bentaeng tree and we will arrive at post 4 (Raden’s hut)At post 4 we will take a break for approximately 1 hour to cook and have lunch. Around 13:15We will start walking towards post 5 (geres/springs) and when we get to post 5 we will pass savanna and pine trees.
Perjalanan menuju pos 5 jika perjalanan cepat akan menempuh waktu kurang lebih 3 jam 30 menit, namun jika perjalanan lambat akan menempuh perjalanan kurang lebih 4 jam 15 menit. Setelah kita sampai di pos 5 kita akan beristirahat selama 15 menit untuk mencari udara segar untuk persiapan memasak di tempat dimana kita akan membangun tenda. Setelah mengambil air dan istirahat selama 15 menit kita akan melanjutkan jalan menuju area camp, kita akan melewati kematian penyesalan dan kita akan menempuh perjalanan kurang lebih 1 jam 30 menit. Sesampainya di area perkemahan kita akan menikmati kopi/teh saat matahari terbenam dan makanan ringan di sore hari dan porter akan memasak makan malam. Setelah makan malam sekitar jam 18.30 kita akan makan malam.Dan menikmati suasana malam sampai sekitar jam 21.00 dan istirahat.Sekitar jam 5.00 kita akan bangun untuk menikmati matahari terbit dan kopi/sampai jam 7:00.Pada jam 7:15 kita akan sarapan. Sekitar jam 8:00 kami mulai pulang
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